The Phoenix Project


Robert McLaughlin, adapted for and facilitated at Chimera by David Harrop


There are 14 player characters, and 8-10 crew required.

Investigations Team (Alpha)

  • B. Hillard (Central Intelligence Agency)
  • D. Baron (National Security Agency)
  • Major J. Ostrow (Air Force Office of Special Investigations)
  • 1st Lt. R. Brannon (Air Force Office of Special Investigations)
  • Cpt. F. Dietz (US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases)
  • J. Cannon (Defence Investigations Service)

Investigations Team (Bravo)

  • Rep. K. McDermot (Congressional Subcommittee on Intelligence Spending)
  • D. Eirhardt (Asst. US Attorney, Office of the Attorney General)
  • Dr. K. Gillespie (Environmental Protection Agency)
  • Dr. H. Phillips (Environmental Protection Agency)
  • Dr B. O'Neil (Department of Energy, Nuclear Emergency Search Team)
  • Dr. J. Smallwood (Government Consultant, Systech Systems)


General costuming requirements will require a minimum of business wear for all civilian or special agency characters, Military ranked characters are expected to be in dress uniform rather than combat fatigues. Any prop requirements will be noted on the character sheets we will send out before chimera.

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A top secret military project has come under scrutiny of top senate officials for cost overruns, further to add to the list of problems a recent accident has now drawn official investigation by the NSA for suspected terrorist activity involved with potential sabotage of this secret military program. The military are staying tight lipped. Two groups of very different investigators have been sent to Montauk Air Force Base, on separate missions. will they shut down the project, find spies or terrorists infiltrating the air force, or is there something all the more sinister happening in the name of national security?

The Phoenix Project is an investigation action-drama with horror elements that will be using live combat. A tense character-driven game against a military secret operations backdrop.