First Night


Hannah Jackson


  • Summer (f) the child of free-loving hippies
  • Dianna (f) a traditional horse loving girl
  • Emily (f) the daughter of a widower, used to getting what she wants
  • Jessica (f) favourite colour pink, loves nail polish and Justin Beiber
  • Sam (m/f) has recently moved to town from the country, loves animals
  • Leslie (m/f) has travelled the world and enjoys sharing the experiences
  • Robin (m/f) new to the neighbourhood, rich and eager to please
  • Morgan (m/f) wears black, knows about vampires and other geeky stuff
  • Kelly (m/f) full of enthusiam and energy, with a musical background
  • Dominic (m) enjoys mucking about with computers and electronics
  • Jayden (m) the competitive sporty type
  • Robert (m) from a military family, knows how to follow the rules


This game sits at the minimal end of the costuming spectrum - clothing appropriate to the age and traits of your character should be easy to find from your everyday wardrobe.


It has a role-playing emphasis, with no combat expected. (Paper-Scissor-Rock will resolve anything untoward.)

GM Contact


Intermediate School is the time when children are encouraged to expand their horizons, try new things, make new friends. Supposedly the last innocent age before the teenage transformation takes over. For various reasons, you have joined a scout group, and this is the first time all of the troop will be meeting. You may know some people from school, or via your parent's friends, but for most of you, you are meeting strangers for the first time.

How strange are they really? As strange as you? Explore the characters, how they interact to make friends, and respond to authority in the guise of the scout leader (GM).

This game is a lighthearted take on the modern 11-12 year old, for a dozen players. It is approximately PG rated, though mild sexual innuendo is likely.