Aunt Beatrice Began It


Stephanie Cybart


16 players

  • Beatrice Plumehollow. Matriarch, posessor of the silver.
  • Verity Fern. Aunt Beatrice's great-niece. Former old maid, horrified polite society by marrying the town scoundrel in the last year.
  • Brandon Fern. Verity's husband. Local man of ill repute.
  • Lisa Miles. Aunt Beatrice's cousin's daugher. Married to Dennis Miles, an amesiac who suffered brain damage during the First World War, for whom she acts as caretaker.
  • Dennis Miles. Married to Lisa. A war-traumatised barely-functional amnesiac.
  • Ewan Fairday. The town doctor, one of the favourite relatives of Aunt Beatrice.
  • Eliza Stanley: An orphaned cousin, raised by Aunt Beatrice, who has recently achieved her dream of becoming a published author.
  • Pete Morgan. A Presbyterian minister who worked on Aunt Beatrice's family farm as a young man. Some of the family believes that he doesn't have the right to be here, due to not really being a family member.
  • Jenny Stewart. A young lady whose outspoken views and flamboyant dress scandalise the more proper members of the family.
  • Timothy Golding: Isabelle's fiance. An intelligent young man with a promising career in law.
  • Olivia Golding: The beautiful, if sometimes mean-spirited favourite of the older generation.
  • Aaron Plumehollow: Aunt Beatrice's brother. The town drunk, whose existence most of the family ignores.
  • Celia Plumehollow. Aaron's daughter, who shocked the family by having a child out of wedlock.
  • Oscar Golding: Aunt Beatrice's bad-tempered brother and Olivia's mother.
  • Howard Plumehollow. Aunt Beatrice's brother, a globe-trotting explorer who had the bad manners to not be present at the initial family meeting a year ago.
  • Janet Paul. Aunt Beatrice's housekeeper.


Early twentieth century North American fashion.

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One year ago, Beatrice Plumehollow, matriarch of one of one of the oldest and most respectable families of Prince Edward Island, Canada, announced that rather than leaving the much-coveted Plumehollow silver to one of the family members in her will, she would spend the next year observing the members of the family to determine who was most worthy of receiving it.

And oh, what a year it's been! In their determination to impress Aunt Beatrice, some of the members of the family have been inspired to new, ever more presumptuous heights of virtue- Always in the view of Aunt Beatrice, of course. The petty competition that has arisen has provided enough fodder to fuel the gossip at local tea parties and sewing circles for years to come. Some of the family members don't necessarily care who gets the silver (of course, to keep up appearances this isn't something they'd ever admit to publically), but curiosity has gotten the better of them and nontheless they've shown up in hopes that even if they aren't the Chosen One, neither is one of their personal rivals.

Aunt Beatrice is going to announce her choice today, and everyone is tense with anticipation. Of course, she won't just announce who she's chosen and let everyone get on with their lives- No, everyone's to be subjected to a nice little family get-together, where they'll be expected to behave civilly and pretend that they're there because they actually like Aunt Beatrice. It's almost as if the old bat is determined to manipulate the family for her own entertainment...