The Dance and The Dawn

run by sarah daymond

"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful lady...and things didn't go so well for her.
She had to make sacrifices; that's just how the world works, you know?
Eventually, she had to sacrifice her heart.
Now she has one chance to get it back, to find her true love."

"Once upon a time, there was a handsome lord...
...and things didn't go so well for him.
Perhaps he never found his beautiful bride.
Perhaps he found her, but couldn't bring himself to love her.
Perhaps he was just vicious through and through.
Now there are ladies who want to dance with him, who want to love him, who want him to love them in return.
He wants to sneer.
But it's so cold inside his heart...

And a waltz plays, and the dance floor gleams with cruel promise…”

The Dance and the Dawn tells the tale of six beautiful Ladies who came to the court of the Queen of Ice for a midnight ball, and there danced with seven noble Lords, all in pursuit of the True Love that could heal their hearts.


Written by Warren Tusk


Game Details
Session: 2
Number of Players: 15
Genres: fantasy
Costume: High fantasy formalwear.